Were you in Spain over the weekend? If you’ve been paying attention, many of your F*c*b*o* feeds will have featrued footage from the Eurovision Party at the cavernous venue somewhere in Madrid. And it got me thinking. The Spanish fans are very enthusiastic, but their choice of song is always a bit lacking of late. Perhaps with the recent exception of Pastora ‘why-the-long-face’ Soler, you’ve always known that Spain occupies a place on the left-hand side of the scoreboard.
But it wasn’t always this way. Back in the 1980s and 1990s Spain often did the business with some decent stuff. At least, if it didn’t do that well it was still of a high standard. Such is the song by today’s birthday boy Mikel Herzog. At least he was about to dress for the part.
Mikel is 57 today.
Feliz cumpleaños, Mikel!