What does one say about an Azeri entry at Eurovision? They’re never quite content to just sing but instead like presenting their songs.
So it is here once again. Safura starts on top of an LCD staircase spinning round like she’s going to be this week’s featured character in Trumpton. She has four girly backers who start off on a none lit staircase on the other side of the stage. Safura makes her way down to the main stage and each step lights up as she steps on it. She’s later joined by a bare-chested young man dancing around her. Rumours abound that real water would be introduced into the performance but there’s no evidence of it here. It’s a powerful performance though.
People around were making comments about kitchen sinks and it very much reminds me of Russia’s 2008 winner in look, feel and sound.
I think I’ve found my winner and could be heading for a holiday in Baku next May. Start saving yer pennies boys, it’s a wee bit pricey in them there parts.
Nick: Azerbaijan… weeellllll… it’s getting the works. Probably a bit too much works. “Why are you late? Where have you been? Stop doing your bloody ballet practice while I’m trying to chew you out!” I should say that I saw this in the arena, getting a completely different sense of it compared with the TV pictures I’ve been watching generally. I *did* need reassurance from a nearby OnEurope Managing Editor that the pictures on the screens are always a fraction of a second out of sync with the hall sound, and I’m pleased to say that sufficient reassurances have been received.
Candidate to win? Obviously. 13/8 favourite? …Not sure.

Phil: Remember that Maltese Man that brought the Kitchen Sink in the local Woolwoth closing down sale yesterday? – Well behind *him* was a rather dusky looking man who said,just out of your earshot ” Oh mate – give us those sinks or yer kitten gets it”
Yes, Ictimai TV have bought shed-loads of sinks to throw at this one and, as you have read by now, it seems that Safura has caught them, juggled them about a bit and got this song to a 13/8 favourite to win the contest proper.
Now I can see why people would think that this is yer winner, it is after all Eurovisionia by numbers for the early 21st century but it does have some flaws. The biggest of which is that Safura isn’t actually the one that’s doing the singing. So if this DOES win, and its still open to interpretation whether it will or not, then I think that Europe should feel duped.
They won’t…. they’ll just see an Eastern European winner without seeing the tons of money that has been poured into it. Although it will do no harm to the contest in the long run if this does win – but it is only ONE contender.