The word is out that some people may know my identity. I can reveal that they don’t, and a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it has been hatched to deflect attention to some unsuspecting hack (no pun intended).
What have we seen since yesterday? Most memorably, lots of cheese (photo attached below) and cake (again, photo attached below). More later. We had Geordie Romanians, nationalistic Belarussians, Scandics singing about Crécy World (a new theme park about the Hundred Years War), and quiffed twins telling us all about car crashes. We have now seen a winner rehearse twice. I’ve no idea who it will be, but something tells me it will be ‘Old Europe’. Something also tells me it might be one of the Big 5 again.
Last night, I managed to break cover for a few hours, and mix with the good people of Oneurope. I must say that the beer in the old town is very nice, even if the service is a little grumpy. At least, until they let their guard down a little.
The resistance was greeted at the Euroclub last night by an overwhelming amount of free cheese and free cake. Two of the best things in the world free. I was in ‘metnik heaven. And this wasn’t your namby-pamby processed square of a cheese for beginners. Oh no, dear reader. This was full on Parmesan-esque cheesey goodness from the Serene Republic of San Marino. It grabbed you by the taste buds and demanded you ate more. So I did. The cake was similarly gorgeous. All sweetness and chocolate and very, very moreish.