Ukraine. Stumped here. Thought it would have done better, had televote written all through it. Guess their trumpet didn’t make them Europe’s choice?!
Lithuania. Clear jury sponge. Thankfully his dodgy dad dancing stuffed his televote.
Macedonia. 13th is perfectly respectable for this one. Belted out by a seasoned singer and was a joy to watch. She could teach Jedward a thing or 10.
Romania. Perfectly passable and uptempo. Should have televoted well but I guess not memorable enough in this year to get em voting. I would be a little bit peeved if I was TVR.
Moldova. If Ukraine’s trumpets didn’t work, his certainly weren’t going to!!!! camp dancing a turn off???
Romania – A very lively and cheerful song sung lifeless and very not spontaneous.That’s never going to work properly
Moldova – When coming after a messy performance of Ukraine and you yourself is very messy, how do u expect to do well.However you should be please ending that high as it could have been much worse.