Spain. Best result in ages. Deserved more cos of performance but satisfied I would hope. Fans wouldn’t be as not wonning.
Italy. Confusing result. Great song under performed leads to 100 points but not as many as she could have squeezed out of it. Underpar score for this song.
Germany. Complete opposite of above, over scored if anything. Good looks helped but still a dodgy song. Televoter friendly you would think.
Turkey. Frankly your guess is as good as mine. This baffles me!!!
Estonia. Hooray, good song and emotion equals points. Ott sung well without trying too hard. ERR should be well chuffed.
Spin-Did her best with the song.TVE sould be happy with that result.
Germany – A song that would have done better if sung by a better singer and if it would have a much better presentation
Turkey – got enough support to be placed in the top 10,but got less points from places Turkey usually score much higher.
Estonia-One can only wonder what would happen if he would come later in the draw.Wouldn’t win anyway but may have received points early on the night which would bring him higher.I am happy about this result as it proves there is still a place in the contest for a proper song helped by the right performance and is supported by an excellent vocals for the song. As oppose to an act, which we have seen plenty.
Listen these and than compare with Estonia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk3igH8PBn8
Pastora had me in the palm of her hand last night (metaphorically speaking) and when she hit that whopping, gorgeous, key-changing note near the end I thought she’d got it in the bag. So 10th place to me is a major disappointment.