Am tapping this out at Burger King in Marylebone station #Stickingittotheman.
Iceland. Perhaps Europe didn’t like big overblown ballads. Oh wait.
Ireland. Proof if it were needed that one trick ponies only work the once. I suspect we shan’t be seeing then again next year. Backing singer more evident this time round and boredom of them lead to 19th.
Bosnia. If its all political how come 18th?? Balkan song for Balkan people, sung well but no appeal out of the old country. It didn’t get it’s mandatory 12 from Switzerland either.
Greece. Lowest position for an eternity 17th. Sighs of relief all round but c’mon, when your formula has this many holes in it not even your own fans should be surprised. Badly sung, badly thought out and finally got what it deserved.
Cyprus. Beat Greece which was not a shock, but only by 1 which was. Came across well but suspect throaty style and dodgy notes did for this one.
Iceland – Just got lost.They can blame the cute grannies for this.
Ireland – Don’t they suppose to have a “huge” fan base across Europe, that will help them win. Apparently their fan base is just not enough or not just that not big enough. As always, when you return to the contest you can’t do better than your previous attempt.
Greece – Just remember that the fact Cyprus beat you, may have to do with the 12 points you awarded them. And the 12 points Cyprus awarded you didn’t help much to ease the pain
im so bored of cyprus and greece giving 12 to each other (and im cypriot) but come on! eleftheria eleftheriou is a cypriot singer performing for greece like loukas did last year. and also why all the boooooing? how come all the baltics and all the balcan and all the former ussr and former yogoslavia countries vote for each other with no booo???? and dont forget. last year when the Azeri won the female singer was holding a turkish flag…no booing there? what a shock! hipocrits. Cyprus never does well. this is the best we got in many years. if lets say Bosnia send this song it would be in top 10. Cyprus has no good neighboors or friends and i was so shocked when sweden gave us 12 points.