More goings on from the heart of our fine continent

You might be asking where I’ve been today? Have you? Are you sure? Well, I’ve been a good little Riigi (that’s R-I-I-G-I, Mr Phil 😉 ) and working hard for my secret paymaster. And while you may think I’ve been running around posting some rather random videos, I actually have been paying attention to the cornucopia of delights revealed today. But in the interests of brevity, I’ll keep it short and sweet.

Serbia – ‘Bubbly’ girl in a big Bacofoil (R) frock. With Hungarian Puli hair (go on, look it up). And mad dancers. It’s so over-the-top it’s come back around on itself a bit like the lights around the stage. Barking, barking, barking, mad.

Hungary – Quietly brilliant. Little Boglárka and her able, friendly backing singers sing that stuffing out of this. I’m not sure why we need revolving sub-machine guns that become a very nice leafy tree.

Belarus – A bit of an anticlimax. It’s nice. That’s ‘nice’. But ‘nice’ doesn’t win things when you have other joys in the same competition. U&M (I can call them that) can do their stuff darn well though.

Russia – I hate to say it, but we have something very noteworthy. Lots of whites, brightness, drama, and some electric blue for that minty-fresh taste. Could be a winner.

Denmark – danish shuffle-pop shuffled off our mortal coil some time ago, you may think. Well, no. It’s back in retro form with a group of youngsters not old enough to know better.

Albania – Safe as safe. But not safe enough. Actually I wasn’t paying a great deal of attention. Maybe that says it all.

Romania – Almost a teary moment for me when Mr lead singer hit his chorus. And just like Poland last year, we have women in next to nothing a preview video being shown behind the song. I love it love it love it.

Georgia – “Vote for me or I’ll come and get ya” is the meaning of this song. Sopho Nina means business in severe black, deep angry eyes (and not just hers) and copious dry ice.

So that’s almost it from the Vienna salt mines today. I might be found lurking in some seedy party venue later, to bring you some much needed sordid scandal. That’s because we know what you want.

Bis bald (as they say in the local Lucky Noodle)

Riigi x

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