Grab the Moment by JOWST featuring Aleksander Walmann
There’s been a lot of unsavoury grabbing going on lately. I hope the title of this doesn’t give anyone the wrong idea. Mind you, if Norway had grabbed itself by the balls and had the sense to send The Hungry Hearts last year then their off-stage performances might have included their ‘International Lesbian Anthem’ In Your Face in which there was considerably more going on with their feline lady parts than just grabbing… Oh, the lesbians. I wish they’d got to Eurovision. I wish they’d got to Eurovision so much that I’m still wishing they were going to Eurovision, and not this.
It’s not that I mind this – at least it stopped us from a comedy hard rock act pretending to be builders. But I’m just not especially enthused by it. It’s a modern electropop song, and unlike last year’s Norwegian entry sounds like it is just the one song for the whole three minutes. It’s got a positive theme of overcoming those mental demons that can debilitate your plans, and a quirky look with the jewelled mask that gives you something to remember it by. But try as I might I just can’t get very excited about it. It feels like a retrograde step after sending a triptych of their best ever entries from Margaret Burger King, through Carl Espen, to the juicy dark vibes of Mørland and Debrah Scarlett. But I guess you can’t even keep Scandinavian cool going for ever.
My marks – 5 points