2 December – But it’s cold, cold, cold, cold

It’s time for another one of our home entrants today. That poisoned chalice of wanting to win on your home turf, but not wanting to bankrupt your country. What do you do?

Today’s birthday girl Səbinə Babayeva had that dilemma in 2012, when she went on stage in the shiny new Crystal Hall in Bakı/Baku. Well, she did have Alim Qasimov – a renowned mugham singer – on her side. That would get the crowd on side even if it wouldn’t get her votes. Luckily, it did get her votes – enough to give her a fourth place finish. She finished behind the phenomenon from Sweden (the one that swallows snowflakes). She got four maxima and scored points of half the countries. And finishing fourth also managed to please her TV company. In Eurovision terms, a win-win all round.

Sabina is 41 today.

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