Do you have an all time favourite duo? Is it one of those pairing that acheieve notoriety, like a certain Belgian twosome from 1973? Or someone a lot more recent like two Spaniards last year?
Either way, we love duets as they can prove that people can sing together – or not as the case may be. The off-key ones can be as entertaining as the good ones. Now, I’ll leave it to you to decide whether today’s birthday girl Aysel Məhəmməd qızı Teymurzadə and her pal Arash were good or bad, or part-way between the two. I think the almost exactly 12-year age gap was evident, although the song was nice and bouncy. Europe thought it was good enough, as they finished third. A portent of more top five finishes in the next four years, and not connected in any way with the Azerbaijani singer in Lisbon. We like this song. Do you?
Aysel is 30 today.
Xoşbəxt doğum günü, Aysel!