I had the pleasure of sitting next to Phil Colclough, OnEurope during the UK rehearsal, which is his first sighting of it live. He used the same word I did yesterday – “goosebumps”. There’s something happening with this one that I’m scared to articulate, let alone put into words … but Stockport 2007 is looking less and less unlikely by the minute. I shouldn’t be supporting my own song. It doesn’t feel natural!
Greece and France, on the other hand, are in their own unique ways rather unpleasant experiences. Anna shouts at us, and even in the arena lots of Greeks shout at her and, apparently, get very upset about hearing things they don’t want to hear. Which is that, as nice as Athens is, as welcoming as the people have been, as delicious as the cakes are and as glorious as the weather is, I think the OnEurope apartment on Patission Street is not going to have us as tenants next May. A pity, because the postcard sums up the Greece we’ve been living in for the last week – sun, sea, vibrancy and happiness.
France on the other hand is just 30 shades of drab. It’s nice, drab, sleepy, drab, relaxed, drab, and did I mention that it’s a bit drab? It could get a few quiet votes, but if it’s anywhere near Bosnia in the final draw then it’s going to get its chips pissed over from two directions.
The second direction is that of Croatia. We were only going to take in one run through, because we’re going on a boat early tomorrow morning, but we quickly decided that we’d really EARNED a full half-hour of her. She’s fantastic, fun, bouncy, much more mobile than in the Dora, she has a traditional bit of Croatian costume removal, and … well, sorry to those of you have given every last penny you own to the respective bookies around Europe on our advice, but she looks like yet another one with a decent shot at a Top 4 minimum. Surprisingly, there’s not really any serious competition for the wacky Eastern-ethno vote… if somebody’s going to come through the field and surprise everyone, it could just be her.
Right, I’ve seen enough! Tomorrow’s a day off until – I think – 21:00 local time, when we head back into the arena for a full semi-final run through. Laptops are not being brought with us, so don’t expect any significant reportage now until Thursday.
Phil’s tempting me with a trip to McDonald’s. Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse … see you, bye!