I get how this is likely someone’s warped idea of televoting cat nip, and maybe that’s why I reacted in the way I did when it was picked for Eurovision.
In interviews, the band claim ‘Mama ŠČ!’ mocks Russian president Vladimir Putin for being “childish” – though clearly the EBU is fine with that. And whether you side with or against this stance, bending the ‘nothing too political, please, lads‘ rule is a slippery slope – genies never go back into bottles.
Let 3 remind me of Sigue Sigue Sputnik, gathering their music, image and inspiration from others only to assemble it into three-minute bursts designed to shock or provoke … and entertain.
I really want to write something clever and inciteful about the underlying message and the blend of styles and the worthy statement, but when push comes to shove, musically, this is utter shite.
0 Points
Hah, it’s one of the best songs in the competition musically! The verses mimick a children’s song, the chaos simulates war, the operatic backing vocals actually do something interesting with that new rule… you’ll never study it in music theory as the chord progressions are simple but it’s a banger