Will this Croatian dirge ever end?

Dragonfly & Dado Topić - Vjerujem u ljubav
Indrek Galetin • Nagi BY SA

Phil: Oh Jesus, it’s boring lift lobby muzak … without the lift and without the tune. Another one for the dumper, methinks. My eyes and ears tell me that  Dragonfly & Dado Topić have turned in the musical equivalent of gouging ingrown toenails from your big toe with a blunt instrument.

They make three minutes feel like an eternity. I think I have lost the will – still, only one more to go.

Nick: You know how when you check into a hotel, and you put on the telly and up comes the hotel info screen? And in the background, there’s a small musical puddle that drips out of the speakers? That’s the Croatian Eurovision entry for 2007.

So who’s the target audience? I’m thinking Croatians abroad, plus the members and any remaining fans of Dire Straits in their really boring era. Not me, then.

They’re making a pretty competent fist of presenting it. And I’ve thought Croatian entries were far too dull to qualify before now and been wrong, but it’s not even the best bit of guitar rock from the former Yugoslavia. Can’t see where it’s going to draw any support from outside its inner core vote.