Nick: Looks like the real wallpaper’s arrived… the Commodore 64 look has gone, to be replaced by a particularly attractive animated doiley and some Contour Tiling on a Roll.
Evridiki herself also seems to have regenerated and turned into Saint Carola of Stockholm. It’s uncanny… she’s even got the wind machine with her, and the air of quiet desperation and trying a bit too hard that the Haggkvist traditionally brings to a song. I like it, it’s going to be well appreciated, it’s certainly not out of the envelope shake-up, but she’s not really all that it appears she’d like to be.
I should also say, in the traditional OnEurope spirit of positivism, that this is certainly the best Cypriot entry for many years for my tastes.
Phil: It’s become a Nick song. She’s shouting the lyric en Francais at me and I am not sure I like it. She “commands” the stage in a way that only she can, but I don’t know if that is a good thing. Something tells me that her overbearing style will not go down well with Europe, but “the Press” are clapping a lot when she sings. Mind you “the press” would love this, wouldn’t they?
I suspect she thinks that this is what she should be singing and what Europe want – but what she thinks, and what she well might get could be a different matter. I don’t THINK this is qualifying – but I am open to be proved wrong.