Benny Cristo scores Czech Eurovision spot

It’s a strange old time to have a Eurovision national final, 6pm CET on a Monday night, but it seems to have worked for Czech Television, as that was the appointed hour they decided to release the hounds … no, the results of their selection process!

An International jury consisting of Isaiah Firebrace , Kristian Kostov , Stig Rästa , Sebastian Rejman , Katerine Duska , Michela Pace, Keiino, Kasia Mos, Zalagasper and Miki – a motley crew if ever I saw one – and an international/national webvote had a 50/50 split of the results (which are below, naturally).

The fan favourites did rather badly in either one element or the other, with only the winner, Benny, doing well in both halves.

Troubled watersVictor Crone1938579
Talking in my sleepPaul Rey3533686
MoveThe Mamas65721371
BraveHanna Ferm2569944
Vamos amigosMéndez feat. Alvaro Estrella19214011
Take a chanceRobin Bengtsson3528638
Shout it outMariette4295110
Boys with emotionsFelix Sandman5314677
Kingdom comeAnna Bergendahl46611073
Vem är som ossAnis Don Demina4042825

Benny has a Czech mother and an Angolan father (which might explain his African-inspired song) and finished 7th in the first series of Superstar shown in Czech Republic and Slovakia, he’s done a bit of snowboarding, a bit of acting, a lot of singing and some dancing – sounds as though he is perfect for this contest: the classical all-round performer.