Czech Republic (because I refuse to call them Czechia) – Vesna – My Sister’s Crown
If Croatia was the bad cop in your “ Why are you supporting Putin? Conversation, then Czech Republic (because that’s what their Track and Field team is called and its good enough for me) are the good cop that are trying to cajole you to agree with them and walk out into a field of corn and dance naked.
The message is so well hidden that only if you either know the lyric translation or listen to the first verse in English would you know what they are singing about – and televoters aren’t clever enough to do the first in the main, so what are they going to see? – who knows. If the preview is to go by then the stage show is going to be mental with lots of imagery all over the stage I reckon with all types of Women being shown as not being unbowed. The song itself is a decent song with a good delivery and it certainly has that indescribable “something” – Is it instant enough to “get” on first listen? – I don’t think it is because, as my dad has just said, “It’s the same bit of music over and over again” and you cant argue with that, but I still think its qualifying precisely for that earworm value.
Phil’s Score – 5 Points