What do you think of the duo? A good idea? It’s true that with two people sharing the load, it takes some of the stress out of being on a massive stage. And as a viewer, it’s likely you might like one of the two more than the other.
Today’s birthday Tomas N’evergreen (né Tomas Christiansen) teamed up with his pal Chanée in 2010. It only seems like yesterday. They had a stage show to remember, with frosted glass and conveyor belts. They’d made the trip across the Skaggerak to Oslo, so a good result in an old Danish possession was in the bag, right? Well, they romped through their semi-final (beating another Nordic country in the process), and got to close the big show on the Saturday night. Denmark finished fourth, and got over 100 more points than the next best Nordic nation. They obviously captured the moment.
Tomas is 53 today.
Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Tomas!