7 September – Come along to our dream island

I know, I know. We’ve had too much obscurity of late. Songs you may have seen once and forgotten about have their place. Today is different.

First, today’s song comes from the scientifically-proven best Eurovision of all time. And it’s from one of the most noteworthy duets of all time. Three times they tried. Obviously, only one of the duet has their birthday today, and it’s the one and only Kirsten Siggaard. If you’re a fan worth your salt, you’ll know she’s still rocking up to Eurovision events today, even though it’s 30 – yes, 30 – years since she last sang in anger. God bless her. For the avoidance of doubt, you’ll spot her as the lady in this song, and not the guy who turns up late.

Kirsten is 64 today.

Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Kirsten!