Click + above to see what is lacking in this performance: a Simon Snorkel lift to get Thumbelina Leonora into her chair. She actually used step ladders (a health and safety nightmare) and sang as she climbed. Other acts using complex props, take note.
Despite a few logistical hiccups Leonora made the best of things. Her song is “cute” and gets people swaying in their seats.
There were plenty of cheeky nods and winks and smiles, and Leonora played it well. The staging, if taken in the round, was very easy on the eye.
Pedro – our Portuguese mate – thinks this will win!
Pedro is delusional!
It’s one of those songs that only works if it happens to be sunny outside and Europe (etc) happens to be in a benevolent mood.
However, if it’s raining and Storm Xavier (or whatever) thunders through, the Danes will struggle.
Don’t knock Pedro! I’m getting Latvia 2002 vibes with the Danish entry, and have placed a sneaky bet at 200-1. It’s not a fan or betting favourite, but it’s cute, catchy and memorable, and I can see it making an impression when televoters hear it for the first time.
Good point, I’m off to the bookies now
Recycling. So important. Isn’t that Lithuania’s backdrop from 2015?