Germany, Denmark and Mihai

Germany – are looking all over the winner. Yes I know I have put 10 of your earth pounds on Finland at 20/1, but I might also be putting 10 earth pounds on Germany. It was very VERY good. Confident, assured, understated, everything that the winner should be, with minimalist choreography Jane looks straight down the pipe at me and sings note perfect every time …

… unlike Sidsel. She is still going to win with 430 points etc…etc… however, if she shrieks down the telly at me like what she did on the last performance in the hall, she is not to the wonning. Again, great choreography and a man that can twist on his head. Very good in the final recorded run through however, and I am still liking it lots and lots.

Mihai, Mihai, Mihai. What can you say to a man that twiddles a lot with his voice and sings very well but looks like something that the cat dragged in. It’s all gone a bit mess shaped for him, and I don’t mean Austria 1982. Its a very very bitty performance full of dancing and he shrieks at me as well. This has detracted from a very good song. I fear that Europe might miss this one, but Romania are going to win this contest in the next five years without a doubt.

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