As in an Eric and Ernie Stylee, she’s hitting all the right notes, just not necessarily in the correct order. There was, and still is, a lot of hype surrounding this song, and a not inconsiderable amount of £, $ or indeed € on it to win the whole damn shooting match. However, if the Eurovision 2nd Semi Final was this afternoon, however, that money would be in trouble. She is clearly going through the motions in the video we have seen with the backing singers doing the coming alive bit, but it seems again a little bit messy in the arena (and it might look great on television though). Vocally she did indeed seem a bit off even with just arena sound on the video and the mix seemed a little bit out and her tuning was off on the higher notes, especially towards the end when she was clearly puffing and panting a lot. I don’t like the slow bit of the song, but they have played that to the best effect with the camera shots.
Qualifying for sure, worried if I had money on it to win though.