Well well well that must have been a long, sticky and steamy old day in Baku Baku….
I am looking forward to arriving even more now as the reports seem to indicate a straightforward arrivals process and a friendly local welcome! Am also buoyed by the reports of great food and drink at reasonable prices and the prospect of cheap, perhaps free, beer in the Euroclub has left me slavering….
No great surprises in the final three rehearsals today….
Switzerland is still annoying me pronunciation-wise yet it looks quite nice on the clips I’ve seen and maybe they will gain some votes for being the only rockier song in that section?
Nothing to say in addition about Belgium, I mean it’s sweet and all…. but…
Is that the same girl that won the Finnish final?? She seems to have had a major make under… What was she thinking? I’m guessing the frock ensemble is a hybrid rehearsal outfit otherwise she in trouble…. Sounds ok but I can’t see where the votes are coming for this..
Like ‘that Monty’ I am working tomorrow daytime so will be on ‘catch up’ in the evening and I’ll probably just bullet point tomorrow as you can all see for yourselves the clips and don’t need me to point out the nuances of the backdrops or the bad frocks! But anything that catches my eye I’ll be sure to point out…
Here’s to a great day two…
Night night