It’s often remarked that some contests are remembered for certain events, rather than the songs that are sung. 1991 when two countries tied for first place for example.
Back in 1963, there were allegations that the contest was pre-recorded! And that a certain country adjusted its votes to a neighbour could win. Are they true? Well, you be the judge. But there were 16 songs in that contest, and one of those came from today’s birthday boy Alain Barrière (né Bellec). He was from that early powerhouse that was France, a country who had won the previous year but decided against the vast expense of hosting the show. Instead, we went to the BBC’s brand spanking new premises for a contest that was pre-recorded – allegedly. Anyway, incumbent champions France finished fifth after singing about a pretty girl. But aren’t all girls pretty? Even Carola.
Alain is 84 today.
Bonne anniversaire, Alain!
I am aware that this is a bit monotone and repetitive but I just love this song