BONG – awkward moment as Amber Bondin watches video screen and exclaims “She’s wearing the same bloody outfit as me as well!”
BONG – Sublatti now odds-on to win cage fight against Boggie
BONG – Fake Eurovison news channel taken off air with immediate no-
Nina comes from a nation what KNOWS how to stage a song. She’s gone for Black Guardian chic in her choice of outfit (unnecessary Doctor Who reference there), and everything’s very, very black and white and intense. Comes over really really well, and has entered my personal top 3 for the day behind Romania and Hungary. The one slight did note is the video background giving the impression that she is a powerful bird with enormous wings which has, y’know, been done before to much better effect. I refer, naturally, to Thea Garrett’s backing dancer, the last time they let me in to this thing.
Good, strong ending to the semi final. Given a favourable draw, I’d expect to see Georgia knocking on the door of the top 10 a week on Saturday as well.
Right, that’s an actual evening off thinking about what we’ve done. I shall use it unwisely, I’m sure, for it’s San Marino in the morning.