15 February – Nut cookies and raspberry ice cream

Sometimes there are no words to describe a performance at our favourite TV show. They put on a show that’s so outrageous that you can’t help but watch for three minutes (and occasionally six or even nine minutes).

Back in 1998, there were several performances everyone wanted to see. One of these came from today’s birthday boy Guildo Horn (né Horst Heinz Köhler). It would have been an interesting result if he’d actually won in Birmingham, but as a certain Israeli was there, that was unlikely to happen anyway. But Guildo made excellent use of the set, and he even did a walkabout into the audience and shook hands with the UK’s Grande Dame of the contest. He did get three maxima (the same as the winner) and his seventh place saw the start of a run of top 10 places. But if you watch this, you’ll never look at cowbells the same way again.

Guildo is 58 today.

Frohe Geburstag, Guildo!

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