23 June – Your eyes say all fear will disappear

Our favourite TV show always has noble aims, whether it’s to find something that people from Europe (and beyond) like, or just to bring people together in a way that politicians can’t. We should celebrate that fact we’re all in this together. Whatever ‘this’ is.

In 2009, our friends in Israel took the great leap and entered a song featuring today’s birthday girl נועה/Noa (née אחינועם ניני/Achinoam Nini). She performed with her pal ميرا عوض/מירה עווד/Mira Awad. This collaboration did ruffle a few feathers at the time, but it went to show that if we put our minds to it, we can achieve anything. Even something approaching an understanding between different cultures. As for Noa and Mira, they made the final scoring off all-but-two countries in their semi-final in the process. The Interweb will tell you who those two countries were. Then onto the Grand Final where they did get the draw-of-doom, which may have harmed their chances. But this song of peace is something that should be cherished.

Noa is 52 today.

!יום הולדת שמח, נועה