Now, as we should have all read by now, Kobi has had the song changed between the national final and here because “people” have said that the song is boring. They are right to a point, but surely if your artist has integrity enough to what you are doing, then you shouldn’t change it for anything?
Just a thought.
Back to the performance though, Kobi is dressed in his Sunday best, almost like he is going to serve the half time oranges or sing an aria at an opera rather than a light entertainment show. The stage is also in black, almost as though it is hiding a multitude of sins and to compliment all of that, he walks across the bridge to the left of the stage as the backing singers warble in front of some screens.
(edit – They’ve not got the golden showers in, could this be any more cliche?)
All this needs is to be shot in black and white and it could be something straight out of Eurovision 1960x – the press centre is going wild, but more than likely because they are Israel. He’s also saving his voice which is a good ploy because despite it being bland as hell, it’s a difficult song to sing.
It’s also going to be a difficult vote as well. Israel can’t vote for him, but I just don’t know who this is going to appeal to.