If one could give marks for looking disinterested through a song, then Chanel would take all 12 of them. I think that is her nod to Sophie Ellis-Bextor which I have said in my reviews (what do you mean you have not read them?) is a very good comparison for her vocal abilities.
I think someone in a production meeting had a colour-gasm when asked “so how shall we best dress the set” as there seems to be every colour in Joseph’s technicolour coat *and then some* on screen for this one. It has, unironically, a Sun on the background and this one actually works.
The second run through seems to be a little bit aborted but it gives us a chance to hear that the backing vocals – both taped and live – are doing all the actual heavy lifting in this song which takes the shine of it just a touch. When Chanel does get back onto stage after a couple of false starts she is such an easy performer it’s untrue – and by that I mean that she is making this look and sound effortless. However, a note (no pun intended) of caution here is when she tries an improbably high note which I am pretty sure was not in the preview video and she barely hangs on to it with all the grace of a skater that has missed a triple axel. She gets marks knocked off for stumbling over it though…
Also, we notice, on the back drop there is a word “Bullism” that none of us know what it means and I think we are not young enough.