Sanremo 2022 – Final night complete results.

If I have described Melodifestivalen as the annual Song Contest decathlon then Sanremo must surely be the equivalent of a cricket test match.  Five days of songs and singers with the result not determined till the final day and even then the winner is not guaranteed to go to the Eurovision but instead has “First refusal” of going.

We’ll spare you the first four days worth of stuff and plough headlong into the results of the fifth and final day where, firstly, all 25 songs were sung and voted upon by televote only

Song Performer(s) Percentage Psn
Virale Matteo Romano 1.7299 10
Miele Giusy Ferreri 0.4293 24
Insuperabile Rkomi 1.6202 15
Voglio amarti Iva Zanicchi 1.1841 18
Perfetta così Aka 7even 2.1459 13
Lettera di là del mare Massimo Ranieri 3.4472 9
Ti amo, non lo so dire Noemi 1.2546 16
Sei tu Fabrizio Moro 2.5505 12
Dove si balla Dargen D’Amico 3.7243 7
O forse sei tu Elisa 10.6923 3 Q
Ovunque sarai Irama 12.0356 4
Inverno dei fiori Michele Bravi 3.1136 11
Ciao ciao La Rappresentante di Lista 3.9949 6
Ogni volta è così Emma 3.7015 8
Brividi Mahmood & Blanco 21.1766 1 Q
Abbi cura di te Highsnob & Hu 0.7672 21
Farfalle Sangiovanni 5.8871 5
Apri tutte le porte Gianni Morandi 12.6549 2 Q
Chimica Ditonellapiaga & Donatella Rettore 1.1933 17
Ora e qui Yuman 0.6593 22
Domenica Achille Lauro feat. Harlem Gospel Choir 1.7299 13
Duecentomila ore Ana Mena 0.8922 19
Sesso occasionale Tananai 0.4848 23
Tuo padre, mia madre, Lucia Giovanni Truppi 0.8311 20
Tantissimo Le Vibrazioni 0.4103 25


The top three, then, had another go with the winner being asked if they would like to go and represent Italy.  A jury of press and journo’s from the written media, a 1000 member demoscopic jury AND another televote decided the winner.

Song Performer(s) Juries Demo Televote Total Psn
O forse sei tu Elisa 2 2 21.9459 26.3282 2
Apri tutte le porte Gianni Morandi 3 3 23.7942 21.9029 3
Brividi Mahmood & Blanco 1 1 54.2599 51.7689 1


So Mahmood did it again . This time he had help in the shape of Blanco and both of them look good in a suit, for those of you so inclined and, for the record, they said they’d go to Turin!! – I can’t show you the Sanremo performance because it will just been taken down and, frankly, I love not being sued so here is the official video.

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3 years ago

Israel, anyone?
They also selcted a song this weekend(and at this moment I don’t like the song at all)


[…] Mahmood.  He, arguably, should have won with Soldi and this time has teamed up with Blanco to win all three sections of the voting in Samremo.  If Israel is “in your face” then this is the other side of […]