8 February – Take me up, take me down

We’re already 20 contests or so into the 21st Century. Where has the time gone? It only seems like yesterday since we were at Globen for the first time, when it was a shiny building with a large ornamental lake instead of the Friends Arena.

We saw a classic song win in Stockholm in 2000, but the field had some decent choons further down the leaderboard. One came from today’s birthday girl Claudette Pace (now Buttigieg). She’s now a politician (deputy speaker in the House of Representatives, no less), and the song was the first outing for songwriter Gerard James Borg. Anyway, she managed an eighth place, and she even threw in a bit of Maltese to help her song along. It’s a jolly old performance and – with one exception – continued a run of top 10 finishes for the Mediterranean’s happiest rock.

Claudette is 52 today.

Għeluq sninek it-tajjeb/Happy birthday, Claudette!