23 October – Cause you got what I want, what I want what I want want want

False-flagger alert! Well, of sorts. It’s one of those days when the worlds of false flaggers and persistent triers collide. With criminal results, you might say.

Today’s birthday boy Едуард Едуардович Романюта/Eduard Romanyuta tried three times before he finally got the gig. His native Ukraine turned him down three times before some friendly Moldovans decided he was the man for them. At last, you may think, he got the chance to show of his talent. Well, being Moldova’s singer, he had to go through the semi-final. And he was on first. Did he make it out of the semi-final? Well, he finished eleventh. So he got to perform shortly after the top of of the hour on the Tuesday night, and then could sit back and relax whilst the other fought for victory over the following days.

Eduard is 29 today.

La mulți ani/З днем народження, Eduard/Едуард!