There are many who scoff when I say that the Netherlands entry is going to do well. Catherine hates it so much she was dismembering smurfs in the kitchen this morning but when it’s written by the musical legend that is Father Abraham how could it possibly go wrong 🙂
Our Dutch lovely takes to the stage with her three girly backers. We have a barrel organ complete with man and woman dressed as figures from a box of Quality Street who do well to keep the act of barrel organ figures.
If Europe is pissed on Saturday 29th, this is going to romp home let’s face it. It’s sing-a-long, it’s cheesy it’s everything you could possibly want when you’ve had 8 pints of strong lager.
The only thing it lacks is smurfs and we’re hoping to get those at the press conference shortly. Father Abraham/Papa Smurf/Pieter doesn’t seem keen to highlight his past musical triumphs in his Eurovision biography, but I really DO feel that someone should very shortly remind him :))))))
Definitely for the Qualifying 🙂
Smurf yourselves!
Phil: For some inexplicable reason I got up at an ungodly 9AM to get into the press centre to see Sieneke sing at me.
And what an experience it was. There are people who are sat at this table where I am who think that its the best thing since your local loaf was sliced mechanically and tell me at every opportunity.
I, however, think it is the child of Satan complete with Organ and scary figures that rotate at the start of the song, Sieneke doesn’t have a stage presence as such but she has been taught to within an inch of her life as to how to perform this song, and what a song it is!!
It is bright and happy and……that’s all I can say professionally..
Personally I think its all kinds of wrong and should have been killed at the start of the thought process. There are respected journalists in this building that have had a sea-change in their personality and think that it is fab…
They are clearly delusional, don’t let her fool you Europe!!!
Nick: Cute and lovely and memorable and just slightly creepy with two mimes pretending to be fairground organ puppets. The kids’ll either love it or they’ll be sleeping with the lights on for days afterwards. It’s the right song at the right time though, I reckon it’s dangerous. At least in this bit. At least in terms of not finishing in the bottom 7. Ah, come on, humour me on this one! 🙂
Roy: On the one hand Shalaialailailaialaileeee is a harmless spot of fun, with a charming faux barrel organ stylistic and buckets of cheesy, old time, down home fun.
But on the other it could be said that it’s a cynical slice of Disney Dutch that taps into a breed of music that was dated before it even got its shoes on back in the 70s.
This one is splitting the massed ranks of people who pretend they’re press here, but I’m somewhat of a middle view. I fancy that it’s too dumb to be cynical, and for that even a little bit likeable.
But then every time I think that I feel like I need a wash.
But if it’s a sunny day next Thursday I suspect it’s going through with a bullet! Europe deserves to see this in the final, however they take to it in the end.