You thought yesterday’s birthday was a big one – maybe more for the song than the performer. Well, today, we have a titan in the world of our favourite TV show. An absolute legend. And, perchance a contender for the title of Mr Eurovision of Eurovision itself.
He’s been on the big Eurovision stage three times, but today’s birthday boy Jahn Teigen has been around in Norwegian MGP circles for ever. Even longer than Carola in the country next door. But when Jahn scored absolutely nothing in 1978, rather than hiding away, he just milked it for all it was worth. I don’t think we’ll ever see Mr Eurovision Norway ever win our favourite TV show, but he doesn’t need to when he laughs all the way to the bank instead. I’ve picked his finest hour three minutes for today’s video. It’s genius. Pure, pure genius.
Jahn is 70 today.
Gratulerer med dagen, Jahn!