I’ve got a real treat for you today. A legend of our favourite TV show. A massive name in singing circles, particularly in the Nordic world. And a former winner. And it’s definitely not Carola.
Today’s birthday girl Elisabeth Gunilla Andreassen (née Andreasson), or Bettan to her friends, has represented both Sweden and Norway in her time. In 1982 with the inimitable Kikki Danielsson in Harrogate, then with a certain Hanne Krogh in 1985, Jan Werner Danielsen in 1994, and by herself in 1996. This last appearance saw her as the proudest of proud home entrants. She didn’t look bothered that she travelled almost nowhere to sing by herself. And you can tell by the runners-up spot that she earned for her country. Yeah, she won in 1985, but this is, in my humble opinion, her greatest achievement.
Bettan is 61 today.
Gratulerer med dagen, Elisabeth!