Do you ever think that some broadcasters enter a song in our favourite TV show but don’t actually want to win? It might be due to budgetary constraints, or just no venue big enough. Or it could be because the broadcaster is just testing the water.
So picture the scene. A country débuts. The TV company wants a good result. And imagine their horror when they almost win. This situation happened in 1994 when TVP sent today’s birthday girl Edyta Anna Górniak. She almost got disqualified for breaking the then own language rule. But they let her carry on, and on that Saturday night the points started rolling in. She got five maxima, and only three (shame on them) juries left her out of their top 10. Edyta is now a legend, and has proven that anyone can do well at Eurovision, and ‘new Europe’ had most definitely arrived.
Edyta is 51 today.
Wszystkiego najlepszego, Edyto!