So, fresh from my 100% hit rate last week, I’m back to pass judgment on the next seven Swedish hopefuls. Saturday night is music night in more ways than one. There are seven (count ’em) Eurovision selection shows to pick from. If you haven’t already downloaded our fabulous cut out and keep planner, do it now.
But I digress. I’ve been watching the latest clips from Malmö, and trying to work out which songs we’ll see in the Swedish national final.
Mariette – A Million Years
The one-minute clip is hard to judge, it doesn’t really get going properly, but the rehearsal clip revealed a glorious chorus. I’m in love with a song for the first time this year. They even have dancers on bungee ropes. What’s not to adore?
Roger Pontare – Himmel Och Hav
What can I say. It’s everything you’d expect from a Roger Pontare song. There are flaming torches and even in rehearsal, he’s kitted out in Sami garb. It’s as solid as his big bear barrel chest and one to watch.
Etzia – Up
The kind of song you’re likely to hear just as that fifth complimentary glass of peach schnapps comes back up, up, up in a Canary Island gay bar. Live, she’s as flat as a pancake.
Allyawan – Vart Haru Varit
Dub step, remember when it was big? This really struggles to go anywhere. The minute long studio clip felt longer. The rehearsal clip suggests he can rap far better than he can hold a tune.
Dismissed – Hearts Align
You know when you’ve heard something a million times before? Dad rock performed by men in make-up. Like something you’d think came from San Marino, rather than the pop hot spot of Sweden.
Lisa Ajax – I Don’t Give A
Naughty Lisa, cussing like a sailor on shore leave. If you can dial down your inner cynic that keeps banging on about cheap publicity stunts, you’ll find a decent modern song going on. A touch repetitive, but when was that a crime? With the inevitable rewrite, it wouldn’t embarrass.
Benjamin Ingrosso – Good Lovin’
Unremarkable, white boy soul. Wants to be Justin Timberlake, but lacking any real charm. SVT have splashed out on the pyros, however, and he emerges from scrunche-up gold foil like a left over Christmas chocolate rescued from between sofa cushions. Oh, and he’s cute as a button, so if he doesn’t qualify, he’ll certainly be getting a second chance.
So, that’s week two. Overall, a better selection than last week and to my ears, at least one possible winner.
Mariette and Pontare for me this time round. Though I wouldn’t count Lisa Ajax out.