I tell you its days like this where two screens comes in very handy. We only get 5 minutes between each run through today so speed is very much of the essence for everyone – I do feel sorry for the stage hands on a day like today.
I’m padding out mercilessly because Ana Sokllic is on stage as I type. She’s in an unenvyable position of coming on after something bonkers which Europe will still be talking about and, as such, the audience are going to be talking all over the start of Ana’s postcard and, quite possibly, most of the first verse.
She tries her best and this has improved since Saturday as the camera shots seem to have been slightly tweaked, tight and loose in all the right places now which proves going to the viewing room works and Ana is working her socks off to get her message across.
For me, though, there is still a massive disconnect in believability between what she is singing and what I am seeing. I am seeing someone go through the motions, not relaxed, and almost forcing herself to sing this song and this one is hindered by the lack of a backing group on stage because as soon as the gospel choir kicks in I expect to see them in some form, and I don’t.
Qualifying: No