Remember back in March when the world and his wife had an opinion on Julia Samoylova? And how Russian telly bosses insisted she’d get her three minutes in the Eurovision sun next year?
Let’s not forget that promises like hearts are made to be broken. Reports suggest that Julia has yet to hear anything from the Russian delegation. And that’s a shame, because of course ‘Eurovision is her biggest dream’.
Russian Eurovision legend (not our words) Philipp Kirkorov has indicated a willingness to write a song for her – hopefully something more edifying than the dismal ‘Flame is burning’.
That said, in the same interview he cast doubts on her suitability for the contest.
Earlier this week wiwibloggs probed Eurovision pretty boy Sergey Lazarev to see if he might be up for the gig. He told them ‘he hadn’t decided yet’, ruling nothing out.
It conjures up an image of Samoylova throwing darts at a Lazarev poster.
All told, it’s not looking good for Julia. She might be best holding off booking that temptingly cheap flight or bagging a non flexible hotel deal for now.