So what did we learn last night?

Vânia Fernandes
Vânia Fernandes in the 2nd semi-final at the Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade, Serbia, May 22, 2008.


1. That Malta is a country that no longer seem to know how to write a song
2. That Portugal not coming out of the tenth envelope would have been a bad thing
3. That Albania is not going to go down well around here
4. That Vania can’t half sing – and songs don’t even need to be in English to qualify
5. That ‘Old Eurovision’ outnumbers ‘New Eurovision’ 13-12 in the final
6. That the draw may not necessarily have been fair, but gives a good chance to some and has possibly killed Russian chances

As Nick said, last night was possibly one of the best things I have ever been a part of. Clearly there would have been a riot if Portugal was not pulled out, but even more disturbingly for me, the word ‘Albania’ was greeted by booing – and that made me sad. It’s not Olta’s fault she was born south of Serbia.