Video Vault Season 2 – What “Delights”..?

Well Deller and I have had a conflab via the medium of the book of face and have decided that this off-season we’re going to change tack and actually put some DECENT stuff in the video vault because, well, you can’t have everything shite on line – that’s what Youtube is for?

So, as a taster to this season’s selection box… and to show off my limited video editing skills – watch THIS one and think ” If only 1985 (The best year ever) had this instead of Ole Ole…”

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6 years ago

This was her 3rd and last K’dam.
Eventually,Yardena will have her big dream and will manage to get to Eurovision, without having to compete in a proper K’dam.

Trivia question- one of the backing singer also participated in Eurovision as a main act. Can you identify him/her and in which year he/she competed?