It’s first semifinal day, and time for an update on the latest goings on in COVID world.
The Icelandic delegation confirmed late last night they’ve been given the conditional all clear. Head of Press for Iceland, Runar FreyrGislason, issued the following statement:
The group of 13 people from the Icelandic delegation who took COVID tests on Sunday all proofed negative according to results just in.
If there are no symptoms or positive cases in the delegation in the days to come Daði og Gagnamagnið will be able to go on stage on Wednesday and Thursday. The delegation will undergo a further PCR test on Wednesday morning before being admitted to the Rotterdam Ahoy for dress rehearsals and an antigen test on Thursday before semi-final two.
The whole Icelandic delegation is pleased with these developments and will remain quarantined in their hotel until Wednesday morning when they are next due at the arena.
The EBU later issued a further update:
The two members of the Icelandic and Polish delegations who tested positive for COVID 19 remain in isolation. The rest of their delegations have all returned negative PCR tests.
As a further precautionary measure, the Polish delegation will be tested again prior to the Dress Rehearsal on Wednesday, and again on Thursday before Semi Final 2. The Icelandic artists, and necessary support, will also be tested again on Wednesday and Thursday, as they have not been in close contact with the infected person. The remainder of the Icelandic delegation will remain in quarantine.