Well you’ll notice that after May, not a lot happened to the website until … well … about now really.
We nearly had such an implosion in May, and a fair few people helped me out. I did sit and wonder what I was doing running this website.
Then you all picked me up … I have acquired the services of an old friend who’ll write on here from time to time, and tidy the place up, so it all looks good. It still smells of new paint but it’s dead easy to look around. We’ve got featured articles, a section for birthdays , side bars with information, the lot.
If you go to the Eurovision Archive link at the top, you’ll see this page. Clicking on year, country and more stuff will get you to …well …. years (where you can read what we wrote on the blog), Country (Same thing, arranged by …well … country) and More Stuff, where Birthdays and Video Vault have a home.
The menu at the top is all self explanatory as well! – What *moar* could you want? – well … you’ll still get cheese, you’ll still get rubbish, you might even get a run down of the JESC songs when we can be bothered. I mean find them on the internet, so everything you have will all be ok.
We’re still here … 17 years after we started. We’re still shit, and we still know we are … but you’re still there, reading what me and my team of trained stoats write. Can’t be all bad, eh?
Onward to Kyiv then….