Puda put daaaa – pudda put put derrr…
As it were.Just rolled out of the last practise, and we can tell you this…
The show itself is stunning, with possibly my favest opening and interval act ever.
The hosts actually seem like they’re interested in being there, and as such their enthusiasm is infectious.
The green room reports are aiming up to be something quite fabulous (we won’t ruin the gig by telling you…).
The start voting gong will be banged by someone local and famous. We can’t tell you who yet, because they’ve been going through the class former entrants. Monica Äsperland is the favourite, but Fredi is the fan’s choice.
A song will win. Half of Europe will complain of conspiracy, politics or the death of the show. The right minded ones among us will applaud it as a worthy winner.
We’ll all be off on another smashing holiday with music and dancing, somewhere ace, somewhere around this time next year.
Thank you for all your comments, praise and even dissent. It shows that you’re reading us, paying attention and not believing quite every word we say. We’re only human, after all, however hard Phil tries to pretend he’s not.
It’s been a cracking year, you’ve been fab, and now, on with the show!
Signing off till he gets back to blighty,
Roy D Hacksaw