Eugent, the g is hard, Bushpepa next from Albania and this boy for me has THE vocal of the contest, his voice soars effortlessly.
As expected a band staging with drummer, two guitarists and two female backing singers. The drummer looks interesting and as though he might need dipping in sheep dip, that’s a compliment by the way!!
Eugent’s stage costume is a textured grey jacket with the right arm cut off revealing his sleeve tattoo and some strapping. He has a long shirt train hanging out the back (insert shirt lifter jokes here!) and more strapping holding his jacket together.
The arena lighting is a warm yellow and red and this is a solid staging of a powerful vocal.
Will it qualify? Personally I’d love it to but it’s borderline probably at best given that it’s not the most accessible genre and language. Following on from Iceland probably elevates his chances somewhat.