With just a few rehearsals to get through today, it’s a shorter stint for Monty and Rose, who will be your guides. They’re en route as I type and so I’m here to fill in the gaps with a few select comments cribbed from elsewhere and thoughts on the short clip shared by the organisers.
The Portuguese pairing have changed their outfits. Cláudia is now in what looks like a long wool cardigan – probably with ample pocketage for all those gardening tools. Isaura sticks with her ‘Kevin the Teenager‘ look; today opting for a red and white nylon bomber jacket from the sales rack at Top Man.
ESCExtra notes: “Claudia’s vocals are spot on, and her voice is just beautiful, sending chills through the press centre! Isaura works really well with her when she appears.”
ESCKaz felt the performance was “nice, but Salvador Sobral’s heart-touching “je-ne-sais-quoi” is still missing.”
James over at Eurovision Ireland called it “a quiet affair, understated and musically and vocally simple He added that, “While last year it was sublime, this year for me lacks the same golden charm and heart.”
At Eurovoix, they felt the ‘limited eye contact’ might result in Claudia failing to make a connection with the viewer.
Personally, it came across like a big old barrel of late-teenage angst. One of those end-of-year revues at a music college that I’ve been unfortunate enough to have to smile through in the name of family unity. Salvador feels more and more like a flash in an otherwise dim pan.
[…] Portugal: Home and dry […]