It’s Spain now, and I unashamedly, unabashedly love this! I thought they’d got a fairly good sense of it by Friday, so there’s not a great deal they need to work on.
They’ve switched outfits: Alfred in a charcoal grey suit and Amaia a patterned floor-length dress with a very plunging neckline. I rather preferred the first ones, especially his burgundy suit which makes this one look a bit plain. Her new frock makes her look needlessly frumpy. I hope they switch back.
They make more of the crescendo in this, with spot beams which fold in a wave upwards. I’m divided as to whether this would benefit from a pyro moment, maybe a golden shower?
You’d think I’d have had my sugar overload this week with the sheer amount of caipirinhas I’ve managed to neck but I’m still lapping up every sweet treat this can serve me. It’s not a winner though, but I hope for all the Spanish fans who’ve invested so much in it that it does well.
Monty x