I think the kindest thing I can say here is that I am not a personal fan of this song. I was less than enamored with the MSFE performance and looking at Gaia on stage she is definitely giving it her best shot, and rightly so because when else are you going to get a chance to perform infront of millions of people.
There is a lot of movement in this performance and, if this was an adult contest, I would be asking if this was hiding a weak song but I think that’s not the line that we want to go down in that form but its a question that needs to be asked in a gentler kind of way.
Gaia seems to be enjoying herself on stage whilst the backing dancers do their thing behind her dressed in NFL shoulderpads from a line backer or quarterback. I still don’t know if she is trying to be a starship trouper but I guess that is the look they are going for coupled with the lyrics. Vocally it’s not bad but compared to the other two we have heard this morning she is definitely behind them technically. It doesn’t fall a million miles from the written key but I just get the impression there is a lot missing in this song that could have helped Gaia.