I’ve gone nicely random for you today. It’s not a song from this century – you’ll be glad to hear. It’s not even in English – which I also hope you’re glad to hear. It’s not in a language you’ll hear everyday. That tongue has less than 100,000 regular speakers, so if you can speak it, you’re pretty special.
But what is this language? Well, you may have scrolled down and watched the video before you’ve read this. Or you’ve got it from the picture at the top of the article. But if you’re still wondering, it’s Romansh. It’s a little bit Latin, a little bit Italian, and a little bit French. It’s quite melodic, as is this song from Swiss home favourites Ursin Defuns, Gion Defuns, Guisep Quinter and Marie-Louise Werth, also known as Furbaz.