10 October – One day or another we have to leave

Is it good to be a false flagger? Would you do it to deprive a native singer of the Eurovision gig? Or would you see it as bringing along your own expertise to a country that needs some help?

Certain countries are/have been well known for using non-natives in their quest for Eurovision glory. Today’s birthday girl Séverine (née Josiane Grizeau) is a Parisienne by birth, but was asked by Monaco to represent them in 1971. She surpassed expectations by winning, and giving the Principality its only win to date. Good stuff. Magnanimously, France has never claimed her win for their own, even though she wasn’t a regular visitor to the country she sang for. In 1971 she receive six maxima, and one minimum (two points) from the country who finished second. No matter, her broadcaster couldn’t quite host the event in 1972, but Séverine was there to present the prize, and she was also seen in German national finals in the next 11 years. Nowadays she’s just one of those divas who will always be known for singing about street furniture.

Séverine is 75 today.

Bonne anniversaire/Bón conpleànno, Séverine!