Friday already, and we at Oneurope are looking forward to the Eurovision-themed shows coming this weekend from Lithuania and France. You must be too, surely. Well, maybe one more than the other.
What at least one of those shows need is a person of extraordinary height. That’s bound to win votes. You don’t believe me? Well, birthday girl Злата Леонідівна Огнєвіч/Zlata Leonidivna Ognevich (née Інна Леонідівна Бордюг) was ably assisted on stage by the tallest person ever to appear in Eurovision. It didn’t do her much harm, as her girl-on-a-rock schtick only went and got her a third place finish. So if you’re a stage manager in Vilnius or Paris over the next few weeks, take note.
Zlata is 32 today.
З днем народження, Злата!